What Challenges we come across while designing exhibition stands?

Nowadays in every exhibition, an exhibition stand is a centre of attention for everyone so every exhibitor always pays attention to this but there are some challenges that every builder will face while designing this. In this blog, I am going to explain few challenges for every stand builder because it can be seen great design will give great results. Make sure while designing commercial factors are also considered. To overcome any difficulty then make sure you people need to know about this. Let’s have a look


Designing exhibition stand may not be a tougher task for builders but they need to know this how easy it would be for exhibitors to transport this to the right place. Make sure while designing this would be considered to make it portable. It will give lower transportation cost as well.

Space Issues

 Usually, we spend too much over exhibition stands but mostly we don’t consider the space things that are important to note. Get the best designers who will help their clients to create affordable & engaging stands for the customers. Make sure before designing height, space measurement and other factors need to be considered. To overcome space issues, figure out its assembling and transporting factors.

Ecological Design

 Every client wants to rely on sustainable design and while designing it must be considered. Make sure the waste management plan is also created to know about the role and responsibility of the company who are designing stand. All elements need to be taken into consideration and left-over materials can be used in other ways. It is helping builders of Exhibition stands in Birmingham to create awareness on sustainable factors.


 Nowadays the majority of businesses want disposable stands because of storage issues and it is very costly somehow. It is difficult to look after so while designing ask customer requirement first to know about a disposable or permanent solution that can be reused later for others as well.


These are the few challenges that always come across for the designers so whenever you people want to design exhibition stands then always figure out these things first. Expert companies would ask you about this in advance but always go for such companies who will look after these things carefully and meet requirements.